How to delete fadmin folder in darkrp gmod
How to delete fadmin folder in darkrp gmod

User "Empty" doesn't have access to "ulx" So I just like try ulx userallow empty ulx slap The console tells me that I have access, but still it tells me that I don't have access for it when i try to use it (I have tried to reconnect to the server, and restarted the server) I tried to type in ULX userallow Empty !slap for instance. When I try something easy like !slap or !menu, it only says "You don't have access to this comman, Empty". I have access to the admin props and entities, and that I'm happy for. Well to the problem, when I join my server it welcomes me with "Hey Empty (my name), your in the superadmin group blabla

how to delete fadmin folder in darkrp gmod

I am running a dedicated server, I have ULX and Ulib installed properly. I've read and searched for days about ULX admin help and still I don't understand. Hey, sorry for taking your time, but I have some issues.

How to delete fadmin folder in darkrp gmod